There are just some images in my mind that are just straight up SEXY!
Now, I know you are thinking I'm crazy....Glenn can't be sexy wearing that contraption. Oh, but you have NO IDEA how sexy he is with that thing on! You see...Glenn snores TERRIBLY and has for the 12 years of our marriage. I'm talking the "kick him 1000 times at night" snoring or the "go sleep in another room" snoring or the "wake up ticked off because you didn't sleep" snoring. It has been BAD! He never believed me or took me very serious. He finally went to the doctor (after much protesting, ultimatums, and many fights), spent the night doing a sleep study....RESULTS?? He quits breathing 30 times an hour for at least 10 seconds each time! I knew I wasn't crazy...IT WAS BAD! So, the answer to my prayers, my marriage, and to us both finally getting a good nights sleep...the CPAP mask and air system. He will wear this mask everynight...He will sleep great and I WILL SLEEP GREAT! Tonight is our first night to try it and I couldn't be more excited. You're probably wondering...."What's that CPAP going to do to his sex appeal?" "Surely, you can't think he's sexy in bed in that thing?" My answer...."Hell, yeah! That's one sexy looking thing!"
Here's hoping you both get a good night's sleep...
I think I would have got better grades in college if Glenn had worn that thing in the dorm!
Oh my goodness. You know I had to call Kim & Travis immediately. I think Travis would give Glenn some STIFF competition!
Let me know how it works out. I hope he wears the thing...for your sake!!!
You go girl! I just had Travis Kennedy read your note about the CPAP. I feel your pain! Travis snores. When he is in the den, you can't hear the t.v. When he is in the bed, there is no sleep for me! I am hoping for a sexy CPAP machine at my house soon.
Sleepless in Atlanta
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