Paul's Egyptian Day was the culmination of a year long study in 2nd grade of Egypt. He's learned more than I would ever want to know about Egypt! 8-)
Also during May, we celebrated Addie's 7th birthday. Poor middle kid got the shaft this year! 8-( She had one friend over to go see a movie, eat pizza, and spend the night. So we had a cake that night and then I took cupcakes to school. No party this year...definitely next year!
On the last day of school, Covenant Academy does an Awards Day. Each class has Character Awards in their classroom. These are special awards because the teacher talks about each child and what character quality they saw displayed in them the most throughout the year. Mrs. Wilkins gave Paul the "Dependability" character award and Mrs. Bankson gave Addie the "Helpfulness" character award. They both received "Honor A awards". It was a special day!
Paul played on a rec league team "The Braves". They had a great season! Paul played shortstop and pitched. It was a lot of fun to watch. He had an awesome head coach, Brian Roper. Brian is a wonderful coach who Paul loves! We had a fun party to end the year...grilled out, gave out trophies, and had a parent vs. kid tball game!