Thursday, June 26, 2008

Emma Keeps Us Laughing!

Emma spent last week at my parents' house. She went to Vacation Bible School at their church while Paul and Addie stayed home and went to Vacation Bible School at our church. We got to the end of the week and realized how much we missed laughing at Emma! Paul and Addie are getting to the age where they aren't really that funny (don't tell them that....they still think they are!) but Emma, on the other hand, is hilarious! Here's just a few pictures since she's been back that cracked us up.

"Nurse" Emma (in honor of Sus!)

Emma was "helping" me sweep but was having some "crack issues"!

Emma put on my lipstick....and ALMOST made it on the lips!

Friday, June 20, 2008


It has been a long time coming. Paul is 4 months away from being 8 years old and had never lost a tooth! EVERYONE in his class this year has lost a tooth...several teeth each. It was beginning to really worry Paul (as you can imagine if you know Paul). We were getting worried that Addie would lose a tooth before can imagine how that would have gone! What we never bothered to tell Paul was that Glenn NEVER lost a tooth...had to have every tooth pulled. I was beginning to wonder if that was the way Paul's teeth were going to be. Anyway, last night, after about an hour of bleeding, wiggling, crying, flicking with the tongue, checking in the mirror, talking about the pain, getting straight all about the tooth happened! PAUL LOST HIS FIRST TOOTH....FINALLY!

Saturday, June 14, 2008


I've been tagged! Jana Dingmore tagged me this time.

Here are the rules:
*Link the person who tagged you. (no idea what this means so I won't do it)
*Mention the rules in your blog.
*Tell about six unspectacular quirks of yours.
*Tag a new set of six following bloggers by linking them.

These are in no particular order.... 8-)

Quirk #1
I love candles! My quirk is that I love them so much that I don't want them to go away so I never burn any. I have 2 rubbermaid containers full of unburned candles that I love! Call it a quirk or call it sick...I don't know!

Quirk #2
I can not have any food touching on my plate. I would really like to eat on divided lunchroom trays...that would be ideal for me.

Quirk #3
I have to make the bed the moment we are both out of it. It drives me crazy to have it unmade. The house can be total disaster but my bed is made.

Quirk #4
I keep a calendar for certain "activities". I just print off my own at the beginning of each year and keep it throughout the year. I was having trouble coming up with my quirks and Glenn thought of this one. I won't go into a lot of detail on this one...TMI

Quirk #5
I can't sleep with my closet door open. I can be in bed about to be asleep and if I notice the closet door open....i have to get up and close it. Had a nightmare one time...when it's open, my clothes look like people staring at me. Weird!

Quirk #6
I'm a list fanatic. I'll make my list and if I do something that's not on my list....I'll add it....just so I can have the pleasure of marking it off.

Okay, now I'm tagging...
Laurie Pearson
Meri Khoury
Amy Reddick
Jana Anthoine
Lanier Pearson
Mary Katherine Pearson